If you’re planning on a cycling holiday to France this year you may need to brush up on your French. Do you know your pneu from your chamber à air? Freewheeling France offer a few choice phrases and some vocab that could help you out of a tricky spot.

Here’s a couple to get you started:
J’ai un pneu crevé / I’ve got a puncture
Vous avez une trousse à outils anti-crevaisson / Have you got a puncture repair kit?
J’ai un probleme avec mes vitesses / I’ve got a problem with my gears
Je suis perdu. Vous pouvez m’aider, s’il vous plait? / I’m lost. Can you help me, please?
Key words:
Brake / frein
Bottom bracket / jeu de pedalier
Chain / chaine de velo
Sprocket / pignon
Helmet / casque
Pump / pompe a velo
Mechanic / reparateur de velo
Happy cycling! Joyeux Cyclisme!